Google AdWords

Google AdWords

Creating a Google AdWords Account

  1. Click here to go to Google AdWords website
  2. Enter the email you want to use to sign in to your new AdWords account

    If you already have a Google Account (in other words, if you use any other Google product, such as Gmail), use your Google email address

  3. Enter your website address that you have associated with Hanzo
  4. Click Continue
  5. Sign in to your existing Google Account, or create a new one
  6. Copy your Google AdWords Account ID

Configuring Hanzo's Google AdWords Integration

  1. Click here to log in to Hanzo
  2. Click Integrations
  3. Drag over the Google AdWords Integration and click the on switch

  1. Enter your Google AdWords ID
  2. Select from the dropdown which tracking event you wish to select for conversion
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the screen